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The goal of the W.A.V.E. Campaign is to advocate for legislative reform in favor of military sexual trauma awareness and homeless prevention programs for women veterans and their children.

Legislative Watch!

H.R. 2453 - Deborah Sampson Act

National  Women  Veteran's Day - June 12th

June 12, 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act, allowing women to serve as regular members of the military. Act Now! Call your  Congressional Representative to sponsor a bill for a National Day of Recognition of Women Veterans Contribution to the Military

American women  veterans

Engaging and advocating for new or improved policies that improve the lives of women veterans and our families

Women Veterans Rock

Examines the challenges, opportunities and barriers facing America’s Women Veterans as they transition from military service back into civilian life.


Service  Women's Action Network

Our mission is to support, connect and advocate for service women past, present and future.

National Women Veterans of  America

Women Veteran's of America shall advocate for all Women Veterans
and for women currently serving in the Armed Forces.

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